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Walking to Wellbeing and Sustainability?
University of Surrey, Room 45a AZ 04
May 13 2014 - 13:00
Walking and promotion of outdoor activities for health and sustainable living.
SLRG Lunchtime Seminar, 13 May 2014
Jim Walker
Chief Executive of the Outdoor Trust

There is wide agreement that more walking and public engagement in outdoor activities can make a contribution to personal well-being, health and collective sustainability. But how do we go about promoting the benefits of walking and 'the great outdoors' in a culture where it is ever easier to be sedentary and disconnected from the natural environment? Our seminar speaker Jim Walker of the Outdoor Trust charity draws on a wealth of experience as a ranger, trail designer and urban well-being consultant in discussing these challenges for sustainable lifestyle change. Jim will look at methods for engaging citizens in outdoor activities and how these can contribute to wider behavioural change.
Date: 13 May 2014 - 1 pm
Location: University of Surrey, Room 45a AZ 04
Jim Walker is the Chief Executive of the Outdoor Trust, and leads the Trust’s planning and implementation of new walking routes. He managed National Trails in Britain before becoming an advisor to cities around the world how to create walkways and promote more walking as a contribution to well-being and sustainability. Jim coordinated the development of the Jubilee Walkway and Jubilee Greenway Trails in London and also built The Thames Path, Capital Ring, Green Chain, Lee Valley and London Loop Walks – collectively now the biggest and most popular Trail network of any city in the world, enjoyed by more than 3 million people a year.
For enquiries please contact Gemma Birkett, the SLRG administrative co-ordinator. More information on the Outdoor Trust can be found here.
Please note that any views and opinions expressed in the seminar are those of the speakers and do not necessarily reflect the views of RESOLVE, SLRG, ESRC, Defra, The Scottish Government or the University of Surrey.
- See more at: http://www.sustainablelifestyles.ac.uk/events/%EF%BB%BFengaging-hairdres...
Please note that any views and opinions expressed in the seminar are those of the speakers and do not necessarily reflect the views of RESOLVE, SLRG, ESRC, Defra, The Scottish Government or the University of Surrey.
Image: courtesy of Jeff Turner | Flickr.com