- About
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- Children and the Environment
- ELiCiT (Exploring lifestyle changes in transition)
- Foundations for Sustainable Living
- Mapping Rebound Effects
- PASSAGE (Prosperity and Sustainability in the Green Economy)
- Policy Dialogue
- Price Responsiveness of Demand in Energy
- Resilience and Sustainable Lifestyles
- Sustainability Transitions in Food Systems
- Sustainable Living in Remote Rural Scotland
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The Sustainable Lifestyles Research Group regularly invites guest speakers from various fields of expertise feeding into the work of SLRG. There are no forthcoming lunchtime seminars scheduled at the moment, but please check at a later time for updates.
Seminar, 26 September 2012
Prof Dale Southerton
The terms habit and routine have come to be used with increasing frequency in debates about ‘behaviour’ change and sustainable consumption. In this seminar it is argued that conceptual usages of the terms habit and routine areoften imprecise and used generically to capture many different aspects of human action. ...Read more
Estimating rebound effects from sustainable behaviour
Seminar, 17 July 2012
Dr Mona Chitnis, Dr Angela Druckman, and Dr Steve Sorrell
Improved energy efficiency and behavioural change are expected to play a key role in reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. However, the energy and GHG savings from such measures may be less than simple calculations suggest, owing to a variety of mechanisms that go under the heading of rebound effects. ...Read more
Using a social practice approach to studying the changing travel choices of first time parents in two London boroughs
Seminar, 29 March 2012
Dr Justin Spinney
This seminar contributes to the sociology of daily mobility, domestic practice and sustainable consumption by studying changes and continuities in household travel patterns of first-time parents in London (UK). As Button & Nijkamp, (1997) have stated, with changing lifestyles come new modes and patterns of mobility, yet the role of life-stage and parenting in particular remains underexplored as a ‘moment’ when a new set of material and social practices and significant changes in affective capacities are being introduced/imposed....Read more
Seminar, 26 Jan 2012
Ian Christie
Sustainable Lifestyles Research Group: Overview and Work in Progress
The DEFRA--funded research programme SLRG (2010-2013)), directed by Prof. Tim Jackson of CES, has just completed its first full year, and initial results are coming in from fieldwork. In this seminar Ian Christie, a Fellow of CES and coordinator of the SLRG, presented an overview of the programme and discussed emerging findings and the policy and research context for the work....Read more
Seminar, 31 October 2011
Ian Christie, Dr Nick Eyre (University of Oxford) and Simon Roberts (Centre for Sustainable Energy)
RESOLVE Research and Implications for Policy and Practice
After 5 years of work on the RESOLVE programme on lifestyles, values and environment, this seminar takes stock of the body of research that has been built up by the team, and considers the implications for policymakers and practitioners aiming to promote more sustainable living. ...Read more
Seminar, 27 September 2011
Chris Tuppen
Advancing Sustainability LLP
Cities are now home to half the world’s population and are responsible for up to 80% of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions. Over the next 10-15 years the emerging economies will create around 1 billion new middle class consumers, most of whom will live in cities. This implies a growth in city infrastructure equivalent to building a city the size of London every 40 days. There is therefore considerable interest in using smart technologies to help reduce the carbon footprint of urban living. ...Read more