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- PASSAGE (Prosperity and Sustainability in the Green Economy)
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- Price Responsiveness of Demand in Energy
- Resilience and Sustainable Lifestyles
- Sustainability Transitions in Food Systems
- Sustainable Living in Remote Rural Scotland
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The Sustainable Lifestyles Research Group regularly invites guest speakers from various fields of expertise feeding into the work of SLRG. There are no forthcoming lunchtime seminars scheduled at the moment, but please check at a later time for updates.
Seminar, 8 February 2013
Dr Iain Black
A central message from the sustainable development community is that we in developed nations must reduce our consumption. We tell consumers, organisations and governments of all levels that we must reduce our ghg outputs, reduce our air travel, reduce our use of cars, reduce the number of televisions and other consumer goods we buy. We should eat less, use less water and consume less overall, indeed, we must have fewer people on this planet. In this presentation Iain Black will discuss a programme of research that examines how consumers respond to these calls. ...Read more
Seminar, 23 January 2013
Alison Armstrong
What role could mindfulness play in reducing psychologically motivated consumption? This seminar presents research around the concept of mindfulness as a distinctive way of thinking and being: non-judgementally aware of the present moment. The results from a longitudinal mixed methods intervention study are presented where compulsive buyers learned mindfulness....Read more
Seminar, 11 December 2012
Emily Creamer
The double-edged sword of grant funding: A study of community-led sustainability initiatives in remote rural Scotland
Community-led initiatives are commonly advocated as an effective way of encouraging individuals to adopt more sustainable lifestyles. Since 2008, the Scottish Government’s Climate Challenge Fund (CCF) has distributed over £40million in grants to community-led, carbon-saving projects across the country. Drawing on participant observation within two CCF organisations in remote rural Scotland, this seminar examines the assumption that the provision of funding for community-led sustainable development initiatives is necessarily net-positive at the local level....Read more
Seminar, 27 November 2012
Peter Bradley
The Development of Commercial Local Area Resource and Emissions Modelling – navigating towards new perspectives and applications
Meeting near future UK greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions targets will require all parts of the UK economy to contribute, and in particular significant changes in business practices are required at the local level. From review it was found that there is a lack of detailed business accounting and reporting of GHG emissions at the local level, especially concerning supply chain impacts and small and medium sized enterprises. This seminar presents a framework model to generate detailed benchmark estimates of GHGs (both on site and supply chain related) for individual businesses and all businesses of a sector within an area....Read more
Symposium, 26 November 2012
Rebecca White and Rachael Durrant
Food and the Public Good: The First Brighton-Sussex Food Research Network Symposium
On November 26th 2012, SLRG researchers Dr Rebecca White and Rachael Durrant at SPRU (Sussex) hosted a one-day symposium under the title ‘Food and the Public Good’. The impetus for the symposium at the University of Sussex came from their experiences in building a food research network, aka the Brighton-Sussex Food Research Network (BSFRN), which they embarked on in January 2012...Read more
Nurturing a democratic imagination in a changing world
Seminar, 25 October 2012
Bronwyn Hayward
How can we better support young citizens to address four difficult and intersecting challenges: dangerous environmental change, growing social inequality, unprecedented youth unemployment in an unsustainable economy, and weakening democracies as communities everywhere struggle to hold global financial power to account? Reflecting on these questions Hayward offers a new agenda for citizenship and environmental education...Read more