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Club of Rome
SLRG Director Tim Jackson joins renowned international think-tank on sustainability, the Club of Rome.

Professor Jackson looks forward to a close involvement with this influential group of diplomats, scientists, economists and business leaders from around the globe. He will contribute in particular to two of the club’s current workstreams: 1) a new approach to economics and the financial sector, and 2) ‘decoupling’ well-being from resource consumption. The Club's overall mission is to identify the key actions needed to put the world on a sustainable, stable trajectory for the next 40 years.

Related links
- Read the featured story on the websites of the University of Surrey.
- For more information on the Club of Rome, please visit their website.
- The 1972 report can be read
Book Cover "The Limits of Growth", 1972 (Universe Books)
The Club of Rome meeting in Salzburg, 1972 (ANP)