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Making a better world

Distinguished writer, campaigner and co-founder of Forum for the Future, Jonathon Porritt to give a presentation at the Centre for Environmental Strategy at the University of Surrey - Thursday, 13 February 2014. The lecture "Making a better world" takes up the themes of his new book THE WORLD WE MADE (Phaidon, 2013).
Aiming to provide a detailed account of how we could move on to a sustainable development path by 2050, the book offers a view from mid-century, looking back on the challenges, innovations and upheavals of the first half of the 21st century.

In Jonathon's words: "Time after time, over the last 40 years, I have been challenged to show exactly what a sustainable world would actually look like. It took a while, but The World We Made answers that challenge. And it's a good world to be living in - massively improved by smart, clean technology, and committed to a much fairer, more sustainable model of economic growth. It's clear to me that we're never going to scare people into living more sustainably! We have to be able to demonstrate just how dynamic and aspirational such a world could be - and that we've still got time to deliver it."

Date: Thursday 13 February 2014, 2.15 pm
Location: University of Surrey, Lecture Theatre F
Admission information: No charge, please contact Barbara Millington if you are planning to attend.
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Images: courtesy of Phaidon