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Technology and Psychology
The role of technology in promoting energy conservation - a psychological perspective
Birgitta Gatersleben, David Uzzell, Niamh Murtagh
Date: 11 February 2014, 4pm
Location: University of Surrey, 01 AC 02
The Environmental Psychology Research Centre studies people-environment relationships. Over the years it has been involved in many multidisciplinary research projects providing a psychological perspective on environmental issues. This presentation will focus on the recently completed research project REDUCE.
he talk will draw on a range of qualitative and quantitative studies conducted in the project to examine whether energy technologies affect energy behaviours at home and at work. The findings suggest that although technology may have a role to play in promoting energy conservation its impact may be limited and complex and may even result into behavioural rebound by undermining intentional pro-environmental behaviours.
The REDUCE Project is an EPSRC funded project and is led by the Centre for Communications Systems Research, in collaboration with Psychology and the Centre for Environmental Strategy. The overall objective of REDUCE was to evaluate the feasibility of creating a persuasive energy conscious network. For more information, please visit the project website.